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Rotating Events in Our Time

Our time is shaped in various ways by the spinning of events such as Earth rotating around the Sun, or shift workers switching between day and night. Some are obvious while others aren’t.

Most people are aware, for example, that the Earth revolves around its axis every 24 hours. However, what isn’t as well-known is that the speed of the rotation varies somewhat that scientists have been able determine using the use of atomic clocks. This fluctuation makes the solar day feel longer or shorter than what it should. Atomic clocks need to change the time frequently to adjust for this. This is known as a leap second.

The global warming fundraising ideas Coriolis effect is a further example of a rotational event. It is the periodic wobbling which occurs as the Earth’s rotational pole orbits the Sun. This movement helps shape the rules of weather patterns. This is the reason fun rides like Ferris wheels and carousels should be built with solid side-to-side bars, called an axle.

In the same way, job rotation exposes employees to a variety of job roles and environments which help to enhance their skills and professional development. It is common for shift changes to disrupt team dynamics and stress can be caused by employees trying to adjust to the new working environment. To reduce stress, organisations can implement strategies such as open communication and wellness programs to create an environment of health and wellbeing for their workforce. In addition, they can also consider using scheduling software to help manage shift changes in a smooth manner.